TickCats | kokeshi Live in Hong Kong
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kokeshi Live in Hong Kong





日本黑金樂隊 kokeshi 由結他手「亜光」以及鼓手「和真」於2017年組成,2019年主唱「亡無」和低音結他手「純一」加入,製作以「歪掉美學」見稱的日式 HORROR 暗黑金屬。


樂隊自言,「亡無」身上帶著某種「狂気」和「美醜感覚」。在現場「亡無」以扭曲的表情和多變的人聲演繹帶動演出,令 kokeshi 在水準極高的日本金屬場景中找到一席之位。


在2023年發行的第二張專輯《冷刻》中,kokeshi 強調音樂的混合性:結合北歐系的 BLAST BEAT、 90年代美式製作的硬度、再加上「和化」的日式音階,使《冷刻》旋跡登上串流平台上,亞洲多區的金屬排行榜首位。


4月5日,INFREE RECORDS 帶來 kokeshi 首次香港演出,邀請你加入 kokeshi 的死亡行列。



〖In the city marred with death, the girl marked with the red string inches forward, jerking her body in an unsettling motion.〗


〖Her murmuring and screams, echoes within your skull as the droning, metallic destroys your defences.〗


〖You turn and joins the march toward nothingness…〗


Formed by guitarist Adel and drummer Kazuma in 2017 and completed with the joining of vocalist Nana and bassist Junichi in 2019, kokeshi’s signature mix of Japanese horror and all things blackened has taken over the charts with the release of their 2nd album “Reikoku”.


The band amplies Nana’s unique charisma and “twisted aesthetics”, turning their live shows into an unsettling but mesmerising experience, carving out space for the band in the highly competitive scene in Japan.


In “Reikoku”, kokeshi puts emphasis on the hybridity of their sound: the blast beats & tremolo picking of Scandinavian black metal, the cold-hard feeling of 90s US production, complete with Japanese melodies and sensibilities.


INFREE RECORDS proudly presents kokeshi’s first show in Hong Kong on April 5, come and join them for a blackened experience.


共演樂隊:Perish of Empyrean (HK)


來自香港的多元化黑死金屬樂隊 Perish of Empyrean 始於 2020 年,在沉重的吉他聲和永不停歇的鼓聲製出噪音的同時,融入大量管弦樂聲,以增強音樂的畫面敘事性,視覺藝術效果同樣是構成樂隊美學的重要元素。相信美好的藝術能夠實現難言於口的空想。


Started in 2020, Perish of Empyrean is a versatile blackened death metal unit from Hong Kong. While creating noise with the chunking guitars and the never-ending drum blasts, we also heavily dig into the orchestral sounds for the fullness of the impression on our music and storytelling. Illustrations of visual art are also the fundamentals of the band. Perish believes in good art that serves the vision well.



演出 / Live:kokeshi + Perish of Empyrean

日期 / Date:APR 05, 2025 (SAT)

時間 / Time:晚上7時進場,演出8時開始 / Doors at 7PM, show starts at 8PM

票價 / Price:Early Bird HK$360 (Limited Quantity) | Regular HK$420

場地 / Venue:MOM Livehouse

地址 / Address:北角英皇道117-121號 七海商業中心 B39室

B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point

主辦 / Organiser:Domi Production

企劃 / Presented by:Infree Records



Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: MOM Livehouse
Address: B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point


  • 在任何情況下,持票人必需遵守活動的所有規則
  • 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將保留最終決定權利

Terms & Conditions

  • Ticket holder must follow rules and regulations that required by event organiser
  • Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision
Additional Information
Ticket Type

Early Bird HK$360 + $15 Ticketing Fee