⚠️⚠️請注意原定 27Feb 的H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong 因為藝人方希望能夠信守對韓國觀眾嘅承諾,如期回國繼續巡演,將會取消並改為 「This Town Needs Farewell Live」。
憑H.J. Freaks電子/實體門票,均可入場。
如果需要退票,請聯絡主辦This Town Needs
大家想睇 「This Town Needs Farewell Live」的話仍然可於 TickCats 上購買 H.J. Freaks Live 門票⚠️⚠️
25Feb Announcement from organizer (Change event to local artist event for farewelling This Town Needs)
搞咗一大輪,蝕完一大筆,唔知死咗幾多腦細胞之後,終於,終於,「This Town Needs Farewell Live」總算塵埃落定了。
唔知呢啲係咪叫命運,開幕到閉幕都係請返local自己友。感激香港indie scene各方好友樂隊,見到枝旗二話不說仗義出手,仲有連睇乜Q都未知就誓神劈願,情願射波都要到場嘅咁多位觀眾。你哋以後唔好再等我哋收皮先嚟咁團結啦好無?😡😂😭 撐自己個scene唔好留力,記住課金就是力量,相信搞手嘅眼光。
19:00-19:45 金巴利道路真理生命
19:45-20:30 逆流
20:30-21:15 Sexyhammer
21:15-22:00 小紅帽
22:00-22:30 Cryogenic Defilement
22:30-23:15 慘慘豬
門票 Tickets: $350(H.J. Freaks預售價)
憑H.J. Freaks 或 The Marías Live in Hong Kong電子/實體門票,均可入場。
另外手持已取消之演出,包括Nervosa同Crown The Empire嘅實體門票,同樣可以入場。
海報制作: @sariel
⚠️緊急通知:H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong – 藝人入境事宜(2)⚠️
⚠️Urgent notice: H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong – Regarding artist arrival issue (2) ⚠️
我哋經同入境處交涉後,已得知H.J. Freaks入境應無大礙。但由於衛生署檢疫程序同所需時間不能確定,藝人方希望能夠信守對韓國觀眾嘅承諾,如期回國繼續巡演。因此,H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong正式取消,改為幾隊本地樂隊同一晚為TTN告別之夜演出,手持H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong門票者均可入場。
After we confirmed with Immigration Department, there should not have a big problem of H.J. Freaks entry. However, we cannot sure the time taken from Department of Health’s anti-infection measures. Thus, we regret to inform you that we have to cancel rhe the show of H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong. The farewell show of TTN on that night will be changed to several local bands performance. Those who have the ticket of H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong can choose to enjoy this show instead.
至於H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong退票方面,我哋稍後會喺TTN FB專頁貼出Google Spreadsheet連結,煩請有意退票嘅觀眾按指示登記票號等資料,經我哋人手核對後,會通知大家到 觸STUDIO取回退款。技術上嘅問題,如果造成大家不便,多多包涵。
For the refund of H.J. Freaks Live in Hong Kong, we will share a link of Google Spreadsheet on TTN Facebook page. Those who would like to get the refund, please follow the instructions to record down the necessary information such as ticket number on the sheet. We will notify you to come to Zuk STUDIO to complete the refund precess after we confirmed the information. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you.
「This Town Needs Freak」H.J.Freaks Live in Hong Kong
【完全變態!Bass妄想代理人H.J. Freaks扭臀登港】
女僕裝、吊帶絲襪、絕對領域、草莓內褲,以上都是神秘中年大叔H.J. Freaks喜歡炫耀bass神技的定番。與其說是「惡趣味」,不如看成是大叔他釋放自我的唯一慰藉。
其實,只要凝視著H.J. Freaks大叔像深淵一般的猥褻微笑中,就彷彿能參透世界的真理,喚醒自己的變態基因。
這次Neon Lit Music將可愛大叔邀請到TTN,演出以外合作夥伴Zuk Studio還會在Drummers Ark來一場Bass Clinic,屆時H.J. Freaks將會親身教授bass演奏奧義,餘下的其他不能說的XXOO暗黑技法就由你們來發問咯。
※有關Bass Clinic詳情將於近日公佈。
「This Town Needs Freak」H.J.Freaks Live in Hong Kong
演出者Artist: H.J.Freaks(KR)
日期 Date: 27 Feb 2020 (THU)
時間 DOOR OPEN: 19:00/ START 20:00
演出時間Show Time: 120mins
地點 Venue: This Town Needs (Yau Tong, Hong Kong, 1F, Commercial Accommodation, Ocean One, 6 Shung Shun Street)
入場費Entrance Fee: Advance $350 | Walk-in $450
*現場將售即影即有合照簽名券 HKD100/張
*Polaroid Two Shot Coupon(Autograph included) HKD100/pc
Venue: This Town Needs
Address: 1F, Commercial Accommodation, Ocean One, 6 Shung Shun Street, 852 Yau Tong
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | Adv $350 + $10 Ticketing Fee |