不過即使面臨種種「威脅」,我哋仍然深信音樂係使人自由嘅妙藥。承接一路以來「自己音樂圈自己救」嘅宗旨,今次 TONE 繼續集結一班本地音樂朋友、場地、舞台製作團隊同音樂媒體等,來個反守為攻再次舉辦線上串流音樂節,希望業界以及樂迷朋友可以從音樂當中獲得力量,一齊等待曙光來臨,恢復生活正常嘅一日。
◉ 首輪名單公布 七個單位各有特色 ◉
今次演出陣容名單首輪公布7個演出單位,包括型格創作女歌手陳蕾 同 近來大受好評嘅 III iris liu、傳說般存在嘅結他高手 Jason Kui、 人氣高企新貴 Tyson Yoshi 、由 hip-hop 界 OG kz 主理、大玩暴虐黑暗陷阱金屬嘅 Dehumanization Association 、暗黑 post-rock / shoegaze 粵語樂隊 White Dimension 同 日系女團 乙女新夢。
自由定價門票只包含觀賞 2020年8月22日當天由 Tone Online Music Festival 所主辦的網上直播音樂節目,若希望參與2020年7月24日於西灣河蒲吧舉辦的音樂會需要另行購票
Terms & Conditions
Each E-Ticket of HKD$400 ‘Special Live Event at HangOut’ included ONE admission for 22 July 2020 special live event at The HangOut (Address: 1/F, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong). Attendee must wear mask inside venue, eating and drinking are prohibited. Before entering the event venue, require to measure your body temperature (Exceeds 37.5 °C is not allowed to enter) and clean your hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based sanitizer. If ticket holder could not follow rules of the event, organizer may not allow ticket holder to enter venue or request to leave venue, sorry for any inconvenience caused. In case there is any change of event venue, date, time and arrangement, organizer will announce separately.
Free Pricing Tickets only include watching online music program broadcast on 22 Aug 2020 which organised by Tone Online Music Festival. Admission to 22 July 2020 special live event at The HangOut required to purchase ticket separately.
Ticket cost is already included service fee of ticketing.
Tickets sold are non-refundable.
Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision.
Additional Information
Ticket Type
Tone Online Music Festival 線上音樂節 (自由定價/ Free Pricing), HKD$400 (VIP Package), HKD$600(Silver Package), HKD$1,000(Gold Package)