[Aaron Spears Drum Clinic Tour Asia 2020 – Hong Kong Stop]
出生自音樂世家的Aaron Spears,和大多數黑人鼓手一樣,
最初接觸並愛上打鼓的地方也是 —— 教堂。
Aaron Spears是敬拜樂隊Gideon Band的鼓手,
在機緣巧合下Usher的音樂總監 Valdez Brantley 聽到Gideon Band的歌曲,
對他鼓藝大感興趣,所以Aaron 獲邀加入Usher 的世界巡演團隊。
往後 Aaron 不但和最優秀的音樂人比如Juan “Natural” Najera, Arthur Strong, 和Valdez Brantley合作,作世界巡迴演出,甚至在第47屆格萊美頒獎禮上和Usher、James Brown合作演出。
Aaron亦獲得過格萊美的提名,還被《MODERN DRUMMER》雜誌評選為最佳鼓手。
Aaron Spears 最令樂迷留痕的應該是2006年Modern drummer festival得到“Best Up and Coming Drummer” Award 。他當時表演 Usher – caught up 一曲,當中的16th note triplets運用得淋漓盡致,演奏出令人難以置信的速度,技驚四座。其代言品牌包括Sonor Drum、Zildjian Cymbals、Remo drum head 及Vic Firth drum sticks 。
Drummerland 有幸邀請到Aaron Spears 捲土重來香港演出!
Date : 11 Feb 2020 (TUE)
Time : Doors Open 19:30
Venue : Drummers’ Ark
Address : 新蒲崗五芳街8號利嘉工業大廈4樓B室
Room B, 4/F, Lee Ka Industrial Building, 8 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong
Tickets : Advance $280 | Door $350
網上門票現已於 tickcats 有售!
Online tickets are available now at tickcats !
實體門票於1月15日下午5時 在觸Studio各分店, Drummers’ Ark 有售
Actual Tickets will be available on 17 JAN at Zuk Studio & Drummers’ Ark.
[Aaron Spears Drum Clinic Tour Asia 2020 – Hong Kong Stop]
Aaron Spears was born in a family of musicians. Same as other drummers with similar background, Aaron’s first encounter to the world of drumming is through gospel music.
As the drummer of Worship band Gideon, Aaron serendipitously met Valdez Brantley, the music director of Usher. It was a pleasant surprise for Brantley in listening to the music from Gideon. Brantley was stunned by Aaron’s drumming and immediately invited him to Usher’s team on world tours.
From there, Aaron was not only invited to work with well-known musicians such as Juan “Natural” Najera, Arthur Strong and Valdez Brantley in their world tours, but was also given a rare opportunity to collaborate with Usher and James Brown, in their performance at the 47th Annual GRAMMY Awards. As one of the nominated musicians in the GRAMMY Awards, Aaron has also been chosen as the Best Drummer of the Year” by “MODERN DRUMMER” Magazine.
What impressed Aaron’s fans the most would probably be his phenomenal performance in the 2006 Modern Drummer Festival, which also got himself the “Best Up and Coming Drummer” Award. With his breathtaking speed and a mind-blowing use of 16th note triplets in his performance on Usher’s 〈Caught Up〉, the drummer world was astounded by this uprising star.
With his epic drumming performance, Aaron is now one of the endorsers of Sonor Drums, Zildjian Cymbals, Remo Drum Heads and Vic Firth Drumsticks.
It is an utmost honour for Drummerland to have Aaron Spears with us in Hong Kong and break the stage again! So sit back, relax, and snatch this opportunity to behold his wondrous drumming!
11 Feb Update:
【Aaron Spears Drum Clinic Tour Hong Kong Stop 香港站公告】
原定於2020年2月11日(星期二)舉行的Aaron Spears 香港站,經過主辦及協辦單位多番考量後,決定取消是次香港站演出,以確保演出者及觀眾的人身安全。是次活動門亦已即時停止發售。有關退票事宜,將會儘快於Drummer Land打鼓領專頁公佈。
【Aaron Spears Drum Clinic Tour Hong Kong Stop Announcement】
Due to the present unforeseen circumstances, we regret to announce the cancellation of Aaron Spears Drum Clinic Tour Hong Kong Stop originally scheduled tomorrow (11 Feb 2020). Despite our enthusiasm on trying to bring this show alive, the safety of Aaron, attendees, and crew always comes first.
Arrangements for refunds and updates will be further announced on Drummer Land’s Facebook Page.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to greeting you again.
Venue: Drummers’ Ark
Address: Room B, 4/F, Lee Ka Industrial Building, 8 Ng Fong Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | 11 Feb 2020 – Adv $280 + $12 Ticketing Fee |