TickCats | 死亡金屬地牢:香港瘋狂金屬音樂之夜
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準備好迎接一個令人興奮的瘋狂金屬音樂之夜吧!The Underground 將帶你進入死亡金屬地牢,體驗香港最強勁、最重型樂隊嘅現場演出。在9月14日星期六,Wave Music Studio 將變身為一個神聖的舞台,為一場邪惡的儀式揭幕,由邪惡三重奏:Cursed Eyes、Snails 和 Sky Burial 主演。


開場的是傳奇 Cursed Eyes,他們將以其標誌性的旋律死亡金屬聲音進行開幕儀式,接著新人 Snails 將證明他們成為香港硬核音樂人的新銳力量。LMF當中的Dagger 和 Kyanos 組成了這個硬殼樂隊,將硬核和嘻哈元素融合成一種震撼的聲音,讓你一開始就會情不自禁跟著節奏擺動。


壓軸演出的是 Sky Burial,一支與極端金屬老將 Human Betrayer 成員共享的 slam deathcore 樂隊。經過七年的時間,他們在廣東地區和東南亞造成了浩大的影響,Sky Burial 已經建立了無需多介紹的強大聲譽。記得舉起你的金屬手勢,向他們展示家鄉的表現是最好的。






Wave Music Studio,九龍觀塘道470號觀塘工業大廈第二期地庫F&G單位


Death Metal Dungeon: A Night of Extreme Metal in Hong Kong
Prepare for an exhilarating night of extreme music with The Underground. Enter the Death Metal Dungeon to experience some of Hong Kong’s most intense and crushingly heavy bands. On Saturday 14 September, Wave Music Studio will present a hallowed arena for a sinister ritual staged by an unholy trinity: Cursed Eyes, Snails and Sky Burial.


Openers – and scene legends to boot – Cursed Eyes will set the scene with their signature melodic death metal sound, before newcomers Snails prove why they’re a fierce new force on Hong Kong’s hardcore scene. Members of LMF, Dagger and Kyanos come together in this hard-shelled outfit to blend hardcore and hip-hop elements into a skull-smashing sound that’ll have you two-stepping from the off.


Headlining will be Sky Burial, a slam deathcore band sharing members with extreme metal stalwarts Human Betrayer. After having made a brutal impact across the Guangdong region and Southeast Asia over their seven years, Sky Burial have built a formidable reputation that needs little introduction. Get those horns up and show them their hometown does it best.


Join us for a night of untold mayhem, where you’ll bear witness to the raw power, dynamism and stagecraft of Hong Kong’s finest metal bands and the devotion of its extreme music scene. Secure your tickets now and be part of the Death Metal Dungeon experience.


Information on bands:


Death Metal Dungeon
Saturday 14 September, 2024
9pm-11.30pm (Doors open at 8.30pm)
Wave Music Studio, Unit F & G, B/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Building, 470 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Advance: HK$220 (limited)
Walk-in: HK$300

Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: Wave Music Studio
Address: 九龍觀塘道470號觀塘工業大廈第二期地庫F&G單位


  • 在任何情況下,持票人必需遵守活動的所有規則
  • 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將保留最終決定權利

Terms & Conditions

  • Ticket holder must follow rules and regulations that required by event organiser
  • Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision
Additional Information
Ticket Type

預售門票 Advance Tickets – HK$220