活動簡介 Event info:
由創作人陳嘉主導,邀請各媒介創作人共同策劃,透過一系列作品發佈,鼓勵跨媒體創作 (Collaboration),跨越界限,互相影響。同時鼓勵觀眾實質支持本地創作,提高投入感,並多方面了解創作過程。
Lead by singer-songwriter CHANKA, aiming to encourage collaborations between various forms of arts through collaborative projects, and at the same time encourage the audience’s substantial support towards the artists, as well as their involvement in the creative process.
活動資訊 Event Details:
The idea of a music video has been a great example as to how arts could be and should be collaborative in nature. Having the public to understand and appreciate different art forms and the artists behind though, has unfortunately, still proven to be tough. We would like to make the behind-the-scenes process transparent to the public, focusing on the inspiring synergies when great artists and their respective art forms work together collaboratively.
All arts need an audience, and the discussions would always come back to the essence of the artist / art form itself. Imagine different art forms colliding, possibilities could scale exponentially, and you could be a part of the many possibilities created. The rawest form of art is the equipment, the gear, the skills, the talents and plus more importantly, the hours of dedication. When you experience a piece of arts, you also communicate with the talented individuals involved, and emerge yourself inside the synergies amongst the artists.
What’s even better than understanding it, is the curiosity towards it. Arts communicate one-way since forever, but it could be changed. The demand and supply of good audiences and good arts could be a cycle that benefits both worlds, and it’s time to get this cycle running. We create, and you value; you read the stories, we listen to the sounds… It’s THE project for everyone, and it’s about time to get started.
You can be a part of this.
You get involved, and we get creative.
Tickets & Packages
A|自由定價 HKD$100 up (並不包括任何 Package 回贈)
B|HKD$300 |獲得MV首映連結與密碼
C|HKD$500 |獲得MV首映連結與密碼 + Shades of Blue 專輯乙張
D|HKD$1000|首3位可參與 <Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside > MV首映現場及其後期拍攝 + Shades of Blue 專輯乙張 + Acoustic Live 表演入場名額一個 (以電子門票進場)
E|HKD$1000|首3位可參與 <無恙> MV首映現場及其後期拍攝 + Shades of Blue 專輯乙張 + Acoustic Live 表演入場名額一個 (以電子門票進場)
*D/E 需要實名登記制度,並需要提供電話作確認!如放棄參與現場MV首映,則會獲得MV首映連結與密碼,名額將會按次序順延。
A | Pay as you want HKD$100up (Without rewards)
B | HKD$300| All 3 MVs’ (Premiere) links and passwords
C|HKD$500 | All 3 MVs’ (Premiere) links and passwords + Shades of Blue EP
D|HKD$1000|All 3 MVs’ (Premiere) links and passwords + Shades of Blue EP
+ First 3 audience who sign up for this package can join in person the <Everyday I Die A Little Bit Inside> MV premiere live and the post production video shooting at the venue + Acoustic Live performance ticket x 1
E|HKD$1000|All 3 MVs’ (Preview) Code and password + Shades of Blue EP
+ First 3 audience who sign up for this package can join in person the <無恙> MV premiere live and the post production video shooting at the venue + Acoustic Live performance ticket x 1
*Package D & E required real-name registration with phone number for confirmation. For those purchaser who are not able to attend the MV premiere live in person, we will provide the links and passwords for joining online instead, and the quota will be given to the next person in the queue.
陳嘉 CHANKA Facebook/ IG
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | Package A – 自由定價 HKD$100 up (並不包括任何 Package 回贈), Package B – HKD$300, Package C – HKD$500, Package D – HKD$1,000, Package E – HKD$1,000 |