TickCats | MoritaSaki in the pool Live in Hong Kong
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MoritaSaki in the pool Live in Hong Kong



MoritaSaki in the pool Live in Hong Kong


Hailing from Kyoto, MoritaSaki in the pool’s signature vocal duet, bitter-sweet melodies and enveloping guitars revokes memories of the best of Japanese indie, like a memory melting away in the summer heat.


In the band’s 1st full-length album “Love is Over!”, you may hear hints of Supercar and ART-SCHOOL, guitar-driven songs with an evolving soundscape that never fails to put the listener in a certain melancholy.

MoritaSaki in the pool is set to make their overseas debut in Hong Kong on May 24, 2025. To accompany this special occasion, Infree Records will be releasing the band’s debut album on transparent blue vinyl in May, 2025.


來自日本京都的 MortitaSaki in the pool,團員之間並沒有叫「モリタサキ」的人,但歌聽起來就是有種令人熟悉的感覺:男女合唱的親暱聲線,令人沉醉其中的結他音牆⋯⋯似是溶化在夏日的甜感中,一杯翠綠的密瓜蘇打。


在樂隊首張專輯《Love is Over!》中,不難找到如 Supercar 和 ART-SCHOOL 等,日本獨立搖滾黃金年代的影響。結他主導的樂曲,在層層推進下,慢慢化開成一片車窗外的快進風景。


5月24日,MoritaSaki in the pool 將會於香港舉行首次海外公演。Infree Records 亦會於同月發行《Love is Over!》的特別版黑膠。


共演樂隊:Butterfly Peas (HK)


Butterfly Peas is an alternative rock band, formed in 2024 and based out of Hong Kong. We are Sammi, Jerry, Matthew, Isis, and Justin, the noisiest band in Wah Tat. 


來自華達最吵到被人投訴的樂隊——Butterfly Peas! 我們是由Sammi、Jerry、Matthew、Isis 和Justin 組成的一支香港另類搖滾樂隊,成立於2024年。我們的音樂將吉他旋律與想像力融合,期望為現場觀眾創造出一種超脫現實的氛圍,同時亦希望透過歌詞及旋律感染聽眾,帶領他們一同踏上成長的旅程,擁抱自己的缺陷,選擇無悔的道路。這就是Butterfly Peas給你的音樂。



演出 / Live:MoritaSaki in the pool + butterfly peas

日期 / Date:MAY 24, 2025 (SAT)

時間 / Time:晚上7時進場,演出8時開始 / Doors at 7PM, show starts at 8PM

票價 / Price:Early Bird HK$360 (Limited Quantity) | Regular HK$420

場地 / Venue:MOM Livehouse

地址 / Address:北角英皇道117-121號 七海商業中心 B39室

B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point



Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: MOM Livehouse
Address: B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point


  • 在任何情況下,持票人必需遵守活動的所有規則
  • 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將保留最終決定權利

Terms & Conditions

  • Ticket holder must follow rules and regulations that required by event organiser
  • Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision
Additional Information
Ticket Type

Early Bird HK$360