motifs 的音樂是寄給朦朧夏天的一封信, 筆跡回憶著那季模糊既像似魔幻般的漫漫時光。懷舊、夢幻的曲風,帶領聽眾走進專屬他們的空靈世界。
成立於2019年,這支來自於新加坡的五人樂隊由Elspeth Ong(主唱、吉他手)、JJ Tan(主音吉他手)、Paul Yuen(貝斯手)、Badrul Amin(鍵盤手/副主唱/吉他手)和 Jolin Chiam(鼓手)組成。他們的音樂啟發深受 80和90年代的瞪鞋搖滾 (Shoegaze)、後龐克(Post-punk)和夢幻流行(Dream-Pop)影響。將柔和旋律與懷舊混響(Reverb)融合在一起,營造出既新穎又復古的感覺,就像是若隱若現的回憶。
2022年,motifs發行了首張專輯《Remember A Stranger》。此專輯由Snakeweed Studios資深製作人Leonard Soosay錄製,不僅受到好評,也獲得北美和日本的獨立音樂廠牌的發行。
A soundtrack to the lazy, hazy days of summer, where time slows down and everything is a little more magical. motifs is captivating and nostalgic, with dreamy and ethereal melodies washing over you in a wave of sonic bliss.
Formed in 2019, motifs comprises Elspeth Ong (vocals, guitar), JJ Tan (lead guitar), Paul Yuen (bass), Badrul Amin (synth/vocals/guitar), and Jolin Chiam (drums). This Singapore five-piece—drawing inspiration from shoegaze, post-punk, and dream-pop of the 80s and ’90s—blend lilting melodies with reverb-drenched sentimentality to create ethereal soundscapes that are both familiar and fresh, like a memory that you can’t quite put your finger on.
The band’s debut album, Remember A Stranger, released in 2022 and recorded with veteran producer Leonard Soosay of Snakeweed Studios, has been met with critical acclaim and picked up for distribution by independent labels in North America and Japan.
With their debut album in their rearview mirror, the band is excited to embark on their next phase of touring and sharing their music with audiences worldwide, whilst continuously crafting their next sonic wonderland, where every note is a brushstroke on a canvas of sound.
<<Tofu Kingdom>>
豆腐王國成立於2021年4月,Rita和Sam相識微時(1x歲),成為音樂的奴隸後,更一同成為社會的奴隸! 他們聆聽不同種類的音樂,相互交流創作,多麼的美好!歷經無數日夜的引經據典,最後他們決定以dream pop和shoegaze為音樂的主幹,無意間悟出獨有風格(簡單來說是indie pop)︒噫!這是多麼的任重道遠︑美妙美哉!
在建設王國的路上,他們不但推出了多首單曲及首張EP 《Souvenir》,更踏上Clockenflap盛大舞台演出,征服了眾多王國子民的心!現在他們正努力創作,並逐步邁向世界巡迴演出(旅行yeah)的目標!
Tofu Kingdom was formed in Hong Kong in April 2021, whose line-up comprised young Rita and Sam. They knew each other from childhood (1x years old). The two youngsters listen to a diverse array of music. Creating, communicating, composing, O! What a beautiful scene! After numerous restless nights of sourcing tracks and styles, the duo finally settled on dreampop and shoegaze as the foundation, thus inadvertently developing their own distinctive musical style (In simple terms, Indie Pop). Oh, wonder! How many godly bands are there here! O brave new world, the bearer of such beauteous band!
Along their journey of establishing the Kingdom, besides releasing some wonderful singles and their debut EP “Souvenir”, they have also shared their music on the stage of Clockenflap, conquering the hearts and souls of their tofu citizens!
Right now, they are focusing on creating more and more songs, as well as recruiting kindred spirits tofus, slowly
marching towards their goal of having a world tour (Traveling YEAHHHHH!).
演出:motifs (SG) + Tofu Kingdom (HK)
日期 / Date:6 Dec, 2023 (WED)
時間 / Time:Doors at 7PM, show starts at 8PM
票價 / Price:420HKD (ADV) / 480 (DOOR)
場地 / Venue:MOM Livehouse
地址 / Address:北角英皇道117-121號 七海商業中心 B39室
B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point
主辦 / Organiser:Domi Production
Venue: MOM Livehouse
Address: B39, Seven Seas Shopping Centre, 117-121 Kings Road, North Point
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | ADV HKD$420 + $12 Ticketing Fee |