Seasons for Change 《Petals of Tomorrow》CD Release Show
睽違三年, 繼2016年發佈首張EP《Timeless Collective》, 本地另類搖滾樂團Seasons for Change迎來全新專輯《Petals of Tomorrow》, 並鐵定於8月3日於九展Music Zone舉辦CD Release Show, 讓一眾樂迷現場感受Seasons for Change更趨成熟卻不失實驗風格的獨特音樂!
Seasons for Change, an alternative rock band from Hong Kong, released their debut EP ‘Timeless Collective’ under the US label Famined Records in 2016. Their first full-length album ‘Petals of Tomorrow’ is out now – available on all digital platforms. With a more mature sound and experimenting of different genre styles, ‘Petals of Tomorrow’ is a collection of songs inspired by personal experiences and deeply impactful narrative works. It’s about being optimistic, accepting and finding greater strength in overcoming the hard times in life.
日期 Date: August 3, 2019
時間 Time: 8:00pm (Open door at 7:30pm)
地點 Venue: Music Zone @ KITEC
門票 Ticket: HK$280 (Advance Ticket) / HK$350 (Walk In)
#SeasonsForChange #PetalsOfTomorrow
Venue: Music Zone – KITEC
Address: 1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | HKD$280 + $12 Ticketing Fee |