TickCats | 明日未知:集合#1 UN.TOMORROW: First Assembly
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明日未知:集合#1 UN.TOMORROW: First Assembly

























UN.TOMORROW: First Assembly


Until tomorrow, we explore the unknown territories of Hong Kong independent music.




The Hong Kong indie scene has long suffered from a lack of event space and discourse. Our listeners travel in fragmented circles and seem to grow at a slow pace. Meanwhile, bands struggle to stay creative amid a hectic life. It is no surprise that we have a hard time connecting and making a scene, experiencing the moment we share.


As for the alternative music that we love, it is missing from the canon of Hong Kong music history, let alone having a strong market presence. These sounds are buried in infertile grounds, ironically labelled “underground music”.




As we collide in the open grounds of festivals and carnivals, our bodies are imbued with memories of a more intimate togetherness, that lasted us through lockdowns and restrictions. We sought not an either/or, but a way to co-exist.
We see these faint lights hinting at an organic revival of cultural activities in Hong Kong, information and happenings spreading through a network of spaces that escapes capital norms. We watch and ponder if this journey will take us to new heights.


Knowingly or unknowingly, we are heading towards the unknown.




With limited resources, we seek to reopen the potential of Hong Kong music before the dust settles. Over two days, ten bands that are united not in sound but mode of action: come and build new connections and bring music back into our lives.




A sound collective heading towards the unknown. “Tomorrow never knows; it is being.”


明日未知:集合#1 UN.TOMORROW: First Assembly

日期 / Date:MARCH 9 (SAT) & MARCH 10 (SUN)


演出 / Live:

MARCH 9: Arches / Code / Perish of Empyrean / David Boring / 意色樓

MARCH 10: The Crush / Life Was All Silence / Butter Nut Squash Waltz / Wellsaid / 黃衍仁X嚼事知友


時間 / Time:下午4時進場,晚上10時結束 / Doors at 4PM, show ends at 10PM

票價 / Price:HK$480(學生/Student)HK$580(1-DAY)HK$1040(2-DAY)

場地 / Venue:香港兆基創意書院 文化藝術中心 / HKSC Arts & Culture Centre

地址 / Address:聯合道 135 號 / 135 Junction Rd, Kowloon

主辦 / Organiser:明日未知

票務 / Ticketing:Tickcats

視覺 / Key image:區華欣

Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: 香港兆基創意書院 文化藝術中心 | HKSC Arts & Culture Centre
Address: 聯合道 135 號 | 135 Junction Rd, Kowloon


  • 在任何情況下,持票人必需遵守活動的所有規則
  • 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將保留最終決定權利

Terms & Conditions

  • Ticket holder must follow rules and regulations that required by event organiser
  • Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision
Additional Information
Ticket Type

2-DAY – HKD$1,040, 1-DAY (March 9) – HKD$580, 1-DAY (March 10) – HKD$580