TickCats | 假日貞操Virgin Vacation presents “乜乜物物 Universal Beings”
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假日貞操Virgin Vacation presents “乜乜物物 Universal Beings”



假日貞操Virgin Vacation presents
“乜乜物物 Universal Beings”


☆ 假日實驗 即興翻騰 ☆







假日貞操 Virgin Vacation
翻騰三周半 Fountain de Chopin


日期: 12月11日 (日)
時間: 下午三時、晚上七時
地點: 西九文化區藝術公園自由空間細盒


票價: $280 (預售), $320 (現場)
售票平台:Tickcats (https://tickcats.co/ticket/virgin_vacation/)


錄像設計: Neo Yeung, Avaloki T
燈光設計: Lai Ka Ki
音響設計: Chow Pak Shing
合辦/音響協力: Daymaker Creatives
製作協力: Surge Production
投影協力: C’est Bon Projects
海報插畫: 利志達
海報設計: 陳穎
文案: Dominic Chan


*Audience must scan LeaveHomeSafe QRcode for visiting record
Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: 西九文化區, 自由空間Freespace, 細盒The Room
Address: 西九文化區藝術公園自由空間細盒


1. 一人一票,不論任何年齡亦須憑票入場;
2. 未滿6歲的兒童不得進場;
3. 如門票上的資料,被刪去或經過塗改,又或門票損毀變得殘缺不全,則持票人可能不獲准入場;
4. 進入場地時須接受體溫檢測。如體溫檢測結果顯示攝氏 37.5 度或以上,均不得進入場地;
5. 觀眾在進入場地前必須利用手機掃描「安心出行」場所二維碼,及出示有效的疫苗接種紀錄或新冠疫苗醫學豁免證明書;
6. 於場內必須佩戴口罩;
7. 為配合上述措施,請預留足夠時間提前到達表演藝術場地;
8. 場地已實施特別座位安排及人數管制措施。請遵從場地營運團隊人員指示;
9. 活動舉辦場地管理有權不讓遲到者入場,亦有權決定遲到者入場時間及方式;


Terms & Conditions

1. One person per Ticket, regardless of age.
2. Children under 6 will not be admitted to the venue.
3. Entry may be refused if any details on the Ticket have been omitted or altered or if the Ticket is damaged, defaced or otherwise mutilated.
4. Temperature checking will be conducted upon entering the venues. Access will be denied if body temperature reading is 37.5℃ or above.
5. Ticketholders must scan the LeaveHomeSafe QR code and provide a copy of their COVID 19 vaccination record or COVID 19 Vaccination Medial Exemption Certificate before entering the venue.
6. Must wear masks at all times within the venue.
7. Ticketholders are advised to arrive at venues in good time.
8. Special seating arrangement and capacity control have been implemented. Please follow the instructions of Venue Operations.
9. Late-comers will be admitted only if there is a suitable break in the performance.
10.No smoking, eating or drinking is allowed in the venue.
11.No unauthorised filming, photography, video or audio recording is allowed in the venue.
12.Ticketholders should comply to the other House Rules for the venue.

Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision

Additional Information
Ticket Type

3pm HKD$280 (預售)/ HKD$320 (現場) + $12 Ticketing Fee, 7pm HKD$280 (預售)/ HKD$320 (現場) + $12 Ticketing Fee