Death Revisited :香港重型音樂之夜
喂!香港地下音樂圈又有大搞作啦!「 Death Revisited 」呢個重型音樂騷即將喺4月26號禮拜六喺Wave Music Studio爆發,三隊勁揪嘅重型樂隊會帶嚟一場勁爆嘅表演。呢個係體驗香港極端音樂場景嘅動力同熱誠嘅好機會啊!
第二隊係White Pink,呢隊八人樂隊係由一班老江湖組成,專門玩工業金屬。佢哋嘅音樂將原始能量同精密工程結合,絕對係視聽盛宴。
壓軸登場嘅係Sky Burial,自2017年以嚟,佢哋喺深圳、廣州、東南亞同香港都有爆炸性嘅現場表演。今次Sky Burial帶住新陣容同新歌返嚟,一定會令你大開眼界。
BYOB 請自帶酒水
26th April 2025年4月26日
Bands 樂隊:Aphonia、White Pink 和 Sky Burial
Doors Open 開門:8:30pm 晚上8點半
Show Time 演出:9pm – 11:30pm 晚上9點至11點半
Wave Music Studio, B/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Building, 470 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Advance Tickets 預售門票:HK$220(limited名額有限)
Walk-In Tickets (if available) 即場門票(如有):HK$300
+852 9486 4648
Death Revisited: A Night of Extreme Music in Hong Kong
Hong Kong’s underground music scene is set to erupt with Death Revisited, a showcase of raw power, intensity and creativity featuring three incredible heavy bands. Taking place at Wave Music Studio on Saturday 26 April, Death Revisited is an opportunity to experience the dynamism and devotion of Hong Kong’s extreme music scene.
First up is Aphonia who blend heavy music with diverse stylistic elements. Aphonia seeks to resonate deeply with listeners through songs that reignite voices that may have been silenced.
Second, we have White Pink, a unique, eight-strong ensemble of seasoned musicians delivering hard-hitting industrial metal. Their music combines raw energy with intricate engineering to create an unforgettable spectacle.
Headlining the night is Sky Burial, who, since 2017, have been known for explosive live performances across Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Sky Burial returns stronger than ever with a revamped lineup and new songs that promise to crush expectations.
Whether you’re a longtime metalhead or new to the genre, this event guarantees an immersive journey into the heart of heavy music. Tickets are limited for this event, so get them ASAP.
This event is BYOB.
Venue: Wave Music Studio
Address: Unit F & G, B/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Building, 470 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon
Terms & Conditions
Ticket Type | 預售門票 Advance Tickets – HK$220 |