TickCats | The Underground – Hard & Heavy Unleashed 2024
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The Underground – Hard & Heavy Unleashed 2024



一場瘋狂的風暴即將從菲律賓襲來:傳奇的 Piledriver 將於 5 月 14 日在我們的岸邊登陸,為《Hard and Heavy Unleashed 2024》帶來一場充滿著肾上腺素的頭條表演。準備好迎接來自拉古納的硬核組合所帶來的爆炸性舞台表現和震撼人心的音樂:Piledriver 將在香港最著名的音樂殿堂 – The Wanch 上演他們野性的音樂劇場。


晚上將以 Tales of Grim 的力量金屬表演揭開序幕,為您帶來一場震撼的音樂洗禮。然後是thrash-metallers Chaos Invaded 的表演,再由 ARKM 把節奏進一步提升,為 Piledriver 的終極攻擊做好準備。


這個節目是 The Underground 20 周年慶典和受歡迎的 Heavy 系列的一部分,承諾將為所有的硬核樂迷帶來一場令人難以置信的體驗。門票現已於 HK$200 預售,如當晚還有剩餘,將於當場售票 HK$300。


A crazy storm is coming in from the Philippines: the legendary Piledriver will make landfall on our shores for Hard and Heavy Unleashed 2024 on May 14. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-fuelled headline set from the Laguna hardcore crew: with their explosive stage presence and bone-crushing sound, Piledriver will stage their wild sonic theatre at The Wanch, Hong Kong’s most famous temple of music.


The night will blast out of the gate with Tales of Grim, performing power metal to prime you for a decibel-destroying line-up. They’ll hand over to thrash-metallers Chaos Invaded, before ARKM ratchet things up another notch ready for Piledriver’s crowning onslaught.


This show forms part of The Underground’s 20 Year Anniversary celebrations and the popular Heavy series and promises to be a mind-blowing experience for all hardcore fans.
Tickets are on sale now at HK$200 advance. If there are any left on the night, they will be HK$300 on the door.


Hard & Heavy Unleashed 2024
Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 年 514 星期二
The Wanch, 1/F, Henan Building, 90 Jaffe Rd, Wanchai.  灣仔謝斐道90號豫港大廈1
8:00pm – 12:30am
Bands 樂隊: Tales of Grim, Chaos Invaded, ARKM & Piledriver (Philippines菲律賓)
Advance tickets 預售門票: HK$200
Walk-in tickets 即場門票 : HK$300
Ticket Type: N/A Category:
Terms & Conditions of Event

Venue: The Wanch
Address: 1/F, Henan Building, 90 Jaffe Rd, Wanchai 灣仔謝斐道90號豫港大廈1


  • 在任何情況下,持票人必需遵守活動的所有規則
  • 如有任何爭議,主辦單位將保留最終決定權利

Terms & Conditions

  • Ticket holder must follow rules and regulations that required by event organiser
  • Should there be disputes, organizer reserves the right to the final decision
Additional Information
Ticket Type

預售門票 Advance Tickets – HK$200